Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More pigs

Two new pigs have arrived in early june. This time we went for mixed breed porkers instead of the saddlebacks we did last year. Time will tell what the difference is. These guys were born and kept in a shed so never saw grass or turned soil till they arrived in Ballyfruit.


  1. oh, the poor things! I'd say they'll be happy here for a while

  2. Hi Irina, yes they were very happy piggies and are now in porker heaven! Did not get attatched to them lke i didi the last two, it made d day a little easier for me and they were not stressed because we weren't. I hope you are all well and would love to see and your little one Hanna. Am sure you would not recognise any of my kids now they so big! Take care0x0x0x0x
